My wife has switched to Jungle, and I'm waiting for her feedback, but I'm probably giving up on this "industry standard." I recently tried to email Support to see if this problem is ever going to be resolved - I've been dealing with it for two years - and I received a link to go to a forum. Great, but it's a pain in the butt to do this every time I open the program. At the end of my rope on a Sunday with no customer support to call I reflected on the Final Draft addon program called 'Final Draft Tagger' which is a utility made for tagging elements in your script to get a head start on building the breakdown sheets. Support talked me through solving the problem: go to Computer/Users/Name and delete the locked MM file that appears there. Of course, no other "instance" is running, and I'm unable to solve the problem. Movie Magic Scheduling does not give you the ability to build Gantt Charts, Calendars focus purely on shooting rather than your entire company. Whenever I double click on the program to open it - and often when I single click on it, and sometimes even when I open it using a drop down menu selection - a prompt appears telling me that "an instance of the program appears to be running," and to close it down. .sex file you exported from Final Draft / Tagger and double-click to import it 6. Reaching them any other way is a drag, though.Ĭons: I do have an issue which will probably result in my switching to Jungle software.

Telephone support has always been excellent. Double check the programs interpretation. Final Draft will give you a simpler dialog box that just asks if you want to import the file as Script or Text. We have found that about 30 - 40 of our users like to do this, but the majority of tagging is usually done in the film/video/tv scheduling program. In Movie Magic youll get the same text import dialog box we mentioned in Step 1. sex file you exported from Final Draft / Tagger and double-click to import it 6. Tagging a Screenplay in Final Draft Tagger Pre-tagging a screenplay allows you to begin the preproduction process in the screenplay program. I hope I haven't written a novel or covered things you already know.Pros: I use MM Scheduler because it's all I know. Movie Magic Scheduling - Finding the Templates FolderMovie Magic Scheduling - Script Import Movie Magic Scheduling. So I rework the schedule to get him in and out as soon as possible even if I have to mix day and night, int or ext. Because I have fit schedules to get an actor in an out because he's a name and I'm paying him more money per day. Now of course an actor can throw this all into a whirlwind. Trust me I was afraid on one shoot that we'd have to shoot all the exts in the rain because it never stopped raining the first week. So that I can move them around if it rains or some other part of natural is keeping me from filming outside. Then I just use the program to rearrange my schedule to fit all the day ext scenes first, then I put all the night scenes together on another week so we can do the normal crew turn around times and I save my int's for the end. Of course the gaffer will throw in some light to fake moonlight or whatever.
I just figure shoot it in the day time and have my grips just cover the windows with tarps on stands to block out the sunlight. Then you arrange all the bedroom scenes together, all the living room so on and so on. Then once in scheduling you arrange things by location, day & night. But I find its easier to do it beforehand because when you export the file into the scheduling program each scene comes out on its on page and they're grouped together so its easier to keep track of things. day, night stuff in the scheduling program. For example.īob turns on the light as he comes into the room. I also change the script into a shooting script. The program itself will break down the scenes for you by your scene headings, location, day or night, etc. You tag props, actors, extras, costumes, stunts, cars, etc. I just bring the script over into Movie Magic and then you can start tagging it. So if you're looking to save money just get Movie Magic. I got Movie Magic just to use to breakdown scripts because at the time FD didn't have that feature. Now I think FD7 has the scheduling features (I only have FD6). It seems like in Movie Magic you have to take three steps to do some things where in FD its only one. I'm one of those type of people who hate reading manuals. Proficient with Movie Magic Scheduling & Budgeting, Final Draft, Tagger. I've found that Final Draft is a simple program. Dustin Ruck is Freelance Production / Unit Manager at Film and Television.